Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lawn Contractor Smashes Gate Pillar

Gate cameras recorded a vehicle operated by a lawn service employee strike the entry gate pillar shortly after 11:00 this morning. Residents reported the damage and Association Management Services dispatched gate maintenance to clean up the masonry. Despite destruction of the pillar, the gates are operable.

This evening's review of the video revealed the company name and license plate number on the vehicle. As of yet, there has been no admission of responsibility. The HOA Board and AMS will take steps to recover damages.


Finesilver Ranch resident said...

maybe its time for a whole new gate? Since this is at least the second time the pillar has been damaged. Could a new gate that covers the entire entrance and opens inward be installed. It would have to be biased on the bottom since it would open uphill. A new gate should be considered since the expence of repairing the current configuration has only been mounting over the past 2 years.

KMG365 said...

I'll ask about it.

KMG365 said...

HOA Board members are discussing this.

Anonymous said...

yesterday, early afternoon the exit gate was not opening for a few cars. So not sure if it was a hit and run, or a sit and get frustrated about not being able to leave the subdivision.