Saturday, May 3, 2008

Gang Graffiti at FSR Park

Graffiti depicting gang symbols was discovered on the FSR Park basketball court 1 May. It was probably drawn between 28 and 30 April. At least one FSR youth is suspected. This is the first incident of gang influence noted in FSR and raises awareness of a budding gang culture at Stevenson Middle School.

Though written in chalk and probably the work of "gang wanna-be's," the SAPD "Gang Awareness Handbook"
notes recruitment usually starts in middle school and is aimed at children 10 - 13 years old. Stevenson Middle School students described similar graffiti on campus.

A comparison of symbols found on the basketball court with those in the SAPD handbook indicates Los Angeles (Bloods and Crips) and Chicago (Folks Nation and People Nation) gang influences. Refer to each picture for a description of the symbols:

"BK" (Blood Killer), is faintly depicted in blue along the left edge of the picture and indicates Crips affiliation. The trident is a Folks Nation symbol, while the five point star represents People Nation. As of publication of the SAPD handbook, "the Crips are aligned
with Folk Nation and are enemies of Blood
and People gangs."

Another five point star plus a crown are possible references to the Latin Kings, a People Nation affiliate.

The six point star is a Folks Nation symbol but when crossed by an "X"
indicates a rival trademark,
presumably People Nation.

The use of these symbols does not necessarily indicate a direct tie to the Los Angeles and Chicago areas as the gangs are well known nationally and easy marks for copycats. Further, the convergence of rival symbols in the top figure appears to be contradictory and requires a professional interpretation. Moreover, marking in chalk is obvious juvenile behavior and does not allow the permanence desired for identifying gang territory.

Consequently, the graffiti probably is not for the purpose of marking a particular gang territory leading to violent contest. Rather, these are probably merely signs of gang interest and entry level experimentation. In any case, such activity must be eradicated.

Parents/guardians should review their children's doodlings for similar symbols and be alert for gang apparel and other signs of interest in gang activity. Refer to the "Gang Awareness Handbook" for more information and parenting strategies.

The photos will be provided to SAPD and NISD PD for an evaluation and to determine response measures.
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1 comment:

KMG365 said...

SAPD community policing officers are interested in discussing gang avoidance strategies with parents and their children. Call Officer Atkinson, 207-6087, if you know who is responsible for the graffiti. He will ensure your anonymity when discussing with the person responsible and his/her parents.

NISD PD is likewise concerned with reports of graffiti, on and off campus. Asst. Chief Carnes encourages those having information on perpetrators call 397-SAFE (7233) for 24 hour anonymous reporting.